Saturday, April 25, 2009

Denim DI Miracle

I hate pants shopping. I always have. Nothing ever looks acceptable to me. Or if it does, it's usually not comfortable enough to chase four little munchkins around in. But I've been getting sick of wearing my comfy pants all the time and I decided it was time for a pair of jeans.

Sometimes I feel like everyone but me wears jeans. Even my husband, who almost always wears slacks recently found some jeans he likes and he wears them most weekends. I was starting to feel a little left out of the human race, but I've really had a hard time finding jeans that felt comfortable to me.

Usually pants shopping goes something like this:
  1. Try on 10-30 pairs.
  2. Hate every single pair.
  3. Leave the store a little depressed.
  4. Try another store.
  5. Repeat process.
  6. Eventually find a pair that I don't hate.
  7. Go home loathing pants shopping.
A couple nights ago, spurred on by approaching family pictures and my desire to join the jean-wearing sector of the world, I decided to give pants shopping another try. I actually found a really comfortable pair of jeans at the first store I went to, but there were two problems. First, they were a little too form fitting to appease my sense of modesty. Second, they were $43, which I couldn't justify spending on a single item of clothing since this is The Year of Learning Frugality at our house.

So today, I went to DI, our local thrift shop, heartened by actually finding a pair that I liked at the last store, and I found 10 pairs in my size that looked solid and didn't have a granny elastic waist band.

That's when the miracle happened. Almost every single pair of pants I tried not only fit, but fit comfortably, and looked good, too. I only put four back on the rack, and when I bought all six pairs that I loved, I only paid $25 total. Now I can wear jeans ever day but Sunday if I like. I feel so normal. And frugal.

It feels good.

1 comment:

Alison said...
