Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why I Love Blogging

  1. When my toddler creates a mural that covers a third of the house, I laugh and say, "This'll make a funny blog post," instead of steaming at the ears. I can even smile through the hour-long wall-scrubbing session as I think out the best way to tell the Tale of the Budding Artist.
  2. Writing about reality is sometimes easier than working on my novel after a long night of my four kids playing tag team, taking turns waking me up every fifteen minutes, especially if I spent the night composing the Anti-Maternal-Sleep Conspiracy post.
  3. As much as I love my husband and my four babies, I love connecting with people outside my crayon-and-crumb-strewn world, even if it's a virtual sort of connection. I'll take what I can get.
  4. Writing is more fun than cleaning the disaster I call Home and my kids call That Place Where We Throw Our Junk.

1 comment:

drb42 said...

Congrats on your new blog. Check mine out! Blogging is fun! Good luck on your book!